
Crop Protection
NRoSO and BASIS Trained Operator
NSTS Tested Sprayer
Farm Assurance Standard
GPS Section and Boom Height Control
Slug Pelleting
Fertiliser Spreading with Weigh Cells and GPS Guidance

John Deere Hillmaster
Twin Drum Straw Walker Combine for Maximum Grain and Straw Quality
GPS and Yield Mapping Service
Grain Haulage, High Capacity Trailers with Flotation Tyres

Forage Wagon for Timely and Cost Effective Silage Making
Conventional Baling
All Aspects of Hay and Haylage

Land Maintenance
Paddock Harrowing/Rolling
Hedge trimming
Shape Saw
Muck Spreading
Muck Removal
Flail Topping

Crop Establishment
Strip Till 3m Mzuri
Power Harrow Combination & Min-till Drilling
Roller Seeding - Perfect for Grass & Fine Seeds
Maize Drilling
Subsoiling / Cultivating
GPS AutoTrac
Game Cover/ Conservation Area Planting

Contract Farming
We offer contract farming agreements for customers who are looking to have their land managed on a more formal basis. We are fully Farm Assured to enable the widest possible marketing options for your crops and guarantee a high standard. In addition to several years of experience Rob is also BASIS & FACTS qualified in agronomy ensuring a keen eye on your crops.